Monday, August 27, 2007


After a more or less decent morning yesterday with all of our friends participating in the annual Pone Invitational Fantasy Football draft, Mike took a dramatic turn for the worst. Early last night, I brought Mike to the ER at Penn and he was immediately admitted.

Mike is completely incoherent, hallucinating, in extreme pain, and overall in awful shape. He is undergoing a battery of tests, and we will have to see what the tests show. He does have brief moments of lucidity, but all in all, things do not look good. To be quite frank about it, he seems to be slipping away.

I am petrified. I need strength. Please pray for a Mike's peace and comfort.


Anonymous said...

I was so sad to read your latest update. I will be praying extra hard tonight...
I am so sorry that you're having to go through this.

Hang in there!

Jenni Halley said...

I am so sorry to hear your news tonight. Try to stay strong, knowing we are all praying for you. Draw strength from the love you and Mike share. Know how much he loves you for standing by him through this.
Many prayers your way,
Jenni, wife of Brian, stage 4

Carver said...

Dear Liz,

I am so sorry to hear this. You and Mike are very much in my thoughts. Sometimes words fail me but know that I will keep positive energy/prayers going out for Mike and for you. As ever, Carver

Suzan and Christopher Hallam said...

I am so sorry to hear about Mike's latest set back. I will be praying very hard for both you and Mike. Stay strong.

Suzan, wife of Keith, Stage 4

Sam Hac said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you everyday -- the strongest couple i know in my life.


Anonymous said...

I'm a friend of Renay's, and I know Pone as well. Renay sent me the blog and I check often to see how you guys are doing. I could not be more sorry for this turn of events. I am praying very hard for strength and clear thinking for you. Hold on tight, and focus on unconditional love. Times like this are when you are closest to pure love, and sometimes it envelopes you and comforts you. Hang in there. Praying hard - Heather Marley

Anonymous said...

My wife and I will be praying for Mike and yourself. I Hope the prayers of others can help you guys get thru this very tough time in your lives.
Pete & Renee Curkendall

Mom #2 said...

Dear Mike and Liz,

I'm so glad my sister and I went last night to see you both. It was wonderful to catch up with the whole family and seeing you Mike having a good day was fantastic. Both of you are so strong and your love for each other is inspiring to all.

My thoughts and prayers are with you both daily.

Just remember Mike, "it is better to look good than to feel good and you look marvelous."
Love you,
Mom #2

Anonymous said...

My heart swells for you both. I've read every post but usually find myself staring blankly at this comment box, uncertain of the right thing to say, or just how to say it. I cry with you..I pray for you...and I think about you and Mike all of the time wishing you could have the "normal" that you two deserve so much.
Steve came home Sunday night, elated to have seen you both, the sentiment of having been able to spend the day with Mike and to give you a big hug ever so apparent in his eyes. You and Mike are so very special to him.
I just want you to know how much you both are in our thoughts. Your strength, your candidness, and your perseverance through this ordeal is far greater than most would be able to muster, and I'm truly humbled by it.
You and Mike deserve normal....and if it were a gift to be given, I would trade every worldly possession to offer you even a moment of it. I'm certain Steve would say the same.
While I've not known you and Mike very long, I know what I see and what I hear...and I see a love that's so unparalleled it deserves nothing less than pure admiration and adoration. I know words can be of little consolation when you are the one living the unfairness, but I hope you find consolation in knowing you are surrounded by love and positive thoughts. And I hope that the special bond you share with Mike continues to fuel the fire of strength within you to carry you through this difficult time.

You are an amazing soul.

Thinking of you fondly and praying for both of your peace and comfort,
Much love, Melonie

JKalnin said...

Oh my god, this is the worse news I could imagine. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything:

Best wishes from my family and here's is hoping for a turn-around for the best.

Please do not hesitate to contact me.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear the latest are both in my prayers and in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...


On behalf of all your friends I want you to know that we are all here for you, not just now, but ALWAYS! You and Mike have given all of us so much love, joy and laughter through the years. You have both always been so generous and loyal to all your friends and like I always say you reap what you sow. So please know that we are all going to be there for you and surround you with our love until you get completely and totally fed up with us (and even then we are still going to hang around). We Love You!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear such aweful news that my heart aches. I cannot even imagine what you are going through. Please know that you and Mike are in my prayers. Stay strong.
Love, Amy Keating

Anonymous said...

Liz, I just want to let you know that I am praying for Mike and for you.

Anonymous said...

Liz and Mike, I have never had the pleasure of meeting or speaking to either of you. I found my way to your website via mpip bulletin board. I lost my mom to this devastating disease just 8 weeks ago and my heart aches for you. May you find the strength to continue your fight and, more importantly, may you find peace through your love for one another. Consider yourselves added to my humble prayer list - every little bit helps. Beth

gculp said...

liz, its culpie- greg culp- it was wonderful seeing you today- mike has such a wonderful support team- we go through life and a few of us are lucky enough to find love and kindness- the two most powerful forces life has to offer- i saw today, that you and michael have both. we need to talk- my number is 267-987-3965- please call as we have more to discuss than what we talked about today. liz, you are amazing- mike is so lucky to have you , your family, and his family, as we are all lucky to have him. my thoughts and prayers are with you. you are truley an inspiration. thank you for being so good to my pal mike. you rule